Kerastraight news

Exciting Kerastraight news!

We were invited to a special conference held by Kerastraight this week. Kerastraight have been working with the Trevor Sorbie group to update their formula and we are super excited to reveal that the new Ultimate formula will deliver extra hydration to keep your hair moisturised and extra smoothing action.

They will also be ramping up the KS boost formula as well to deliver EXTRA powerful conditioning when you come in for your monthly boost.

This is great news for all our clients, especially those with super dry, damaged hair or those with Afro-caribbean hair looking for extra smoothing action and increased hydration but who still want to retain their curls when they want to wear curls but have the easy option to blow dry and style it silky straight very quickly.

Watch this space. The launch will be on 1 May 2018 and we will be one of the first salons to get the new formulas in stock.

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